Laura Mondino

The more we are, the more attractive we look: the cheerleader effect

Too often we tend to look at biases with mistrust, but what if we told you that there is one that is able to make us look more attractive? Would you reject it regardless? It’s called the cheerleader effect, the cognitive bias that leads us to think that individuals are more attractive than they really are when they are in a group, rather than alone.

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This riddle, known as the surgeon dilemma, is useful to show how prejudices, stereotypes, convictions and beliefs work. How much and in what way we allow to be influenced by biases and heuristics, or, more commonly, mental traps, as further proof of man’s irrationality.
Laura Mondino

Chi è il chirurgo? Come i bias influenzano decisioni e ragionamenti

L’indovinello noto come dilemma del chirurgo è utile per (di)mostrare come funzionano i pregiudizi, gli stereotipi, le convinzioni e le credenze. Come e quanto, cioè, ci lasciamo influenzare da bias ed euristiche, o più comunemente trappole mentali, a riprova dell’irrazionalità di cui l’umanità è vittima.

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