This riddle, known as the surgeon dilemma, is useful to show how prejudices, stereotypes, convictions and beliefs work. How much and in what way we allow to be influenced by biases and heuristics, or, more commonly, mental traps, as further proof of man’s irrationality.
Laura Mondino

Chi è il chirurgo? Come i bias influenzano decisioni e ragionamenti

L’indovinello noto come dilemma del chirurgo è utile per (di)mostrare come funzionano i pregiudizi, gli stereotipi, le convinzioni e le credenze. Come e quanto, cioè, ci lasciamo influenzare da bias ed euristiche, o più comunemente trappole mentali, a riprova dell’irrazionalità di cui l’umanità è vittima.

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Le neuroscienze al servizio della medicina
Laura Mondino

Neurosciences at the service of medicine

In the 90’s, a new therapy was introduced in the US, consisting in the daily assumption of various drugs, capable of increasing the survival rate of HIV-positive patients, if followed with at least 95% adherence to therapy.

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Come trovare la giusta motivazione sul lavoro e migliorare le proprie abilità di Leadeship
Laura Mondino

The strategic relevance of nudges

A nudge, as we will use the term, is any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.

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